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Friday 11 May 2012

London's Flags are falling down...

Yesterday evening Oxford Street saw the first of the Jubille's celebrations in tatters as one of the many strings of flags to London's famous Oxford Street, toppled from its tie.

Police were called at around 9.45pm to cordon off the central reservation of the road for fear of other road users' safety.

Passers by watched as these iconic reminders to the up and coming celebrations, hung down on to the road and creating a stir to drivers and late night shoppers.

Image copyright Crewe-Read Photograhy 2012

147 flags have been hung 90 foot high, down the length of Oxford Street to celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the number of years that fashion has been at the heart of this world famous destination.

The flags will be seen by an estimate of 12 million shoppers from more than 150 countries.

Oxford Street boasts over one and a half miles of outstanding British retail and is said to be the greatest retail environment in the whole world.

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